RM Compare Personalised and Accessible Viewing Controls

Look at Items 'your way'

It is important that Judges can consider Items in a way that meets their personal preferences and needs. RM Compare works well on all major browsers and devices. It also offers a number of user controls in the interface.

RM Compare accepts a large variety of Item Types, for example video, audio, single page and multi-page. Combining the viewing controls allows users to get the best view of all items in the judging process.

Viewing Control Examples

Example 1:

Item A has taken a 'multi page view (Red), whereas B remains on a single page View.

We have also zoomed into Item A (Blue) - this allows us to scroll between pages.

Example 2:

We have used the Item Selector (Green) to focus in on Item A only.

We have also used the zoom feature (Blue) to allow us to scroll between the Item pages.

Example 3:

We are taking a multi-page view (Red) here.

This allows us to look at all pages simultaneously.

Example 4:

This document has 3 pages, however because we have not zoomed in (Blue) no scroll bar is available.

Instead, we can view each page by using the click through functionality (Red).

Example 5:

The 'Grab Hand' allows Items to be pushed around the interface.

Combined with the other features this allows users to interrogate and assess specific parts of any Item.