- Product
Digital Portfolios and RM Compare
A common request we get concerns the assessment of online portfolio work. It may come as a bit of a surprise however that this use case was explored in great depth as far back as 2008. Led by Professor Richard Kimbell, the ground-breaking E-scape project demonstrated the potential of such an approach. Teacher's TV (remember that?) even produced an extended piece about the project and its findings.
The progress made by Professor Kimble and his team was even more remarkable given the limitations posed by the technology available at the time. As you will see however the underlying learning has stood the test of time.
Online Portfolio software - that's sounds complicated (and expensive)
It really doesn't need to be. In the video below you will see how you can use tools like Google Sheets and Microsoft Powerpoint to produce simple but powerful online portfolio's.
What about other Portfolio tools - will they work?
Quite possibly! But we need you to try them and get in touch with any questions. There is a good chance that each one will behave slightly differently. For example, you can see how the embed code looks a bit different for the documents used in the video above.
- Powerpoint online: https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=21A9512477479593&resid=21A9512477479593%21136&authkey=AFhbgtaQy2FKBG0&em=2
- Google Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR2Y9LTfnONc7Tdya7oJN2rhpWrG7TMfiQtf0UD46NeiU6Gdf_yL__uZcvI40p-hHw6wd7ybNlHbTAo/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
In some cases you may also need to consider matters of user authentication for example.
Will RM Compare be building its own Portfolio functionality?
This is not currently something we are considering. Our expertise is very much in Adaptive Comparative Judgement and not e-Portfolio's. Instead we will be doing what we can to allow you to use your preferred tools with RM Compare.
We do however provide some neat functionality to help you in the judging process (see below)