Centre Licences
Free Trial
Have a go with RM Compare
- Create up to 3 sessions
- Invite up to 5 judges
- Add up to 20 Items
Basic Plan
Get started with the basics.
- Create unlimited sessions
- Use unlimited Items
- Enjoy Basic functionality
- Participate in Enterprise sessions
- 12 Months
Advanced Plans
Release full functionality.
Tiered Pricing
- Full Basic benefits
- Extract data and produce advanced reporting
- Create engaging Peer Learning sessions
- Participate in Enterprise sessions
- 12 Months
Enterprise Plan
Run ACJ at scale.
Flexible Pricing
- Full Advanced benefits
- Lead and collaborate with other Centres
- Leverage powerful Accelerators
- Produce Rulers
- Deploy Connectors
Not in K12 or HE? Awarding Organisation or Professional Qualification provider? Researcher, Government, Business, Corporate or Non-Profit? Looking for partner opportunities? No problem!! Get in touch.
Connector Licences
Connector Licences can be bought by Enterprise Licence Centres and deployed to all other types of Licence Centre (Enterprise, Advanced, Basic).
Small K12
Up to 200 Users*
Medium K12
201 - 500 Users*
Large K12
501 - 1000* Users
X-Large K12
Over 1000 Users*
Product Catalogue
The Product Catalogue lists and describes all Product Parts currently available in the system.
*Users in K12 are calculated as the total number of students on roll in a school. In HE it is calculated as the number of students on roll on a course, department, faculty or institution.