
RM Compare Pricing
Free Trial
Have a go with RM Compare
  • Create up to 3 sessions
  • Invite up to 5 judges
  • Add up to 20 Items
Basic Plan
Get started with the basics.
  • Create unlimited sessions with unlimited judges and Items
  • Participate in partner sessions
Advanced Plans
Release full functionality.
Tiered Pricing
  • Full Basic benefits
  • Extract data and produce advanced reporting
  • Create engaging Peer Learning sessions
Enterprise Plan
Run ACJ at scale. Volume discounts
Per Item Pricing
  • Full Advanced benefits
  • Lead and collaborate with other Establishments
  • Leverage powerful Accelerators

Not in K12 or HE? Awarding Organisation or Professional Qualification provider? Researcher, Government, Business, Corporate or Non-Profit? Looking for partner opportunities? No problem!! Get in touch.

* Terms and Conditions