Case Studies
Using Adaptive Comparative Judgement to assess KS3 art and design at scale across school groups
In March 2024, Art teachers from E-ACT, a large multi academy trust of academies spread geographically across the UK, sought to rewrite this narrative as part of a wider Key Stage 3 Assessment Strategy redevelopment project. Working with Victoria Merrick, Merrick-Ed Limited, they devised a small-scale pilot of RM Compare, an Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ) tool.
How the ISEB used adaptive comparative judgement to assess a new interdisciplinary qualification.
To address the challenge of standardising diverse items in their new qualification, the ISEB and Assessment from RM explored the use of adaptive comparative judgement as a way to reliably use teacher assessment and encourage independent learning. Read more.
How Voice 21 used adaptive comparative judgement to reliably assess oracy at scale
To combat the challenge of assessing oracy, Assessment from RM partnered with the UK’s oracy education charity Voice 21, to explore the use of adaptive comparative judgement as a holistic and reliable way to assess oracy. Read more.
How Amplify Trading used adaptive comparative judgement to enable finance candidates to be assessed through real-word simulation
To produce an authentic, innovative talent identification solution, Amplify Trading partnered with Assessment from RM to use adaptive comparative judgement in a peer assessment format to assess candidates’ ability to present complex conclusions in actionable ways. Read more.
How Purdue University improved student attainment using RM Compare for Peer to Peer assessment
Enabling students to engage in a collaborative peer to peer assessment experience as part of their learning process. Read more.
How 14 Oxfordshire schools transformed formative assessment with RM Compare
Oxfordshire schools successfully pioneer a new method of collaborative assessment and moderation. Read more.