RM Compare Online Training

We work hard to provide everything you need to succeed. This includes easily accessible online training which is available for free to all users.

Help Centre Articles

We are always learning and improving the RM Compare system. The comprehensive Help Centre is constantly updated to ensure that it provides up-to-date information.

Content is organised in a way which is easily navigable and searchable.

In addition, we ensure that you can use new intelligent tools such as Generative AI to get the knowledge and understanding you need.

Our Blogs and Case Studies can also be used for training, demonstrating best practice and approaches.

Video walk throughs

Throughout the Product Portal you will find short instructional videos - the example below explains how to follow the quick start guide.

The videos are collated in a dedicated YoutTube playlist.

Interactive knowledge quizzes

To help with your acquisition of knowledge and understanding you will find a number of short interactive quizzes throughout the product portal (example below)

Planning a Successful Session Quiz

In person training

We do provide in person training and consultancy both remotely and on-site ourselves and through partners. Get in touch for more information.