RM Compare Competition Maker

RM Compare Competition Maker revolutionises creative competitions with a dynamic format for diverse entries like writing and videos. Use Adaptive Comparative Judgement for fair evaluation, involving entrants as judges. Enhance brand visibility, gain insights, and build community. Lead in creative assessments and attract media attention with this innovative platform.

How it works

How It Works - Interactive Dashboard

1. Set Up Your Competition

Define the competition's goals, format, and submission guidelines. Use RM Compare to create a session tailored to your needs.

2. Invite Participants

Open the competition for entries and invite participants to submit their creative works, such as writing, videos, or music.

3. Engage Entrants as Judges

Involve participants in the judging process using Adaptive Comparative Judgement, where they compare pairs of submissions to determine the best.

4. Evaluate Submissions

RM Compare's technology aggregates the judgements to rank entries fairly and efficiently, ensuring unbiased results.

5. Announce Winners

Share the results with participants and the public, showcasing winning entries and celebrating creativity.

6. Leverage Feedback and Insights

Gather feedback from participants and judges to refine future competitions and enhance engagement.

Case Study

Earlier this year the Independent Schools Examination Board launched their groundbreaking 'Time-to-write' competition. The hugely successful event attracted thousands of entrants from around the world delivering a superb user experience and creating significant value for the ISEB.

Value to competition organisers

Competition Benefits Dashboard

Increased Engagement and Reach

Expand reach through wide-appeal competitions, leading to increased brand visibility and recognition.

Enhanced Brand Image

Position as a leader in creative assessments, showcasing a forward-thinking approach to innovation.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with industry experts, influencers, and potential partners for valuable collaborations.

Valuable Insights

Gain unique insights into participant preferences and trends through entrant judging involvement.

Publicity and Media Coverage

Attract media attention and generate publicity to enhance reputation and attract future participants.

Community Building

Foster a loyal community among participants, judges, and organizers for long-term success.

Showcasing Innovation

Demonstrate commitment to innovation using RM Compare's Adaptive Comparative Judgement technology.


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