- Research
From Cheating Prevention to Assessment Validity: A Paradigm Shift in Digital Assessment

In the rapidly evolving world of educational technology, a groundbreaking study published in Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education is challenging our approach to digital assessments. The research, titled "From academic integrity to assessment validity: a paradigm shift in digital assessment" by Phillip Dawson and colleagues, argues for a fundamental change in how we view and implement online assessments.
At RM Compare, we believe our Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ) system is well-positioned to support this crucial transition.
The Current Landscape
Dawson et al. (2024) highlight a prevalent issue in digital assessment: an overemphasis on preventing cheating. This focus, while well-intentioned, often leads to assessment practices that may not effectively measure student learning or support broader educational goals.
A New Direction: Prioritizing Validity
The study proposes a shift towards prioritizing assessment validity over cheating prevention. This aligns closely with RM Compare's philosophy and capabilities:
Authentic Assessment
The researchers advocate for authentic assessment tasks that are inherently more difficult to cheat on. RM Compare excels in this area by facilitating the evaluation of complex, open-ended tasks that require higher-order thinking skills and creativity.
Formative Assessment
Dawson and his colleagues emphasize the importance of formative assessment in promoting learning and reducing the pressure to cheat. RM Compare's ability to provide ongoing comparative feedback makes it an ideal tool for formative assessment throughout the learning process.
Reliability and Fairness
The study raises concerns about the potential unfairness of some proctoring technologies. RM Compare addresses this by using multiple comparative judgements from different assessors, providing a more reliable and fair assessment of student work
Collaborative Learning
The research suggests that collaborative learning environments can reduce the motivation to cheat. RM Compare can be adapted to include peer assessment features, fostering a collaborative learning environment while enhancing students' understanding of assessment criteria.
Construct Validity
Dawson et al. stress the importance of construct validity in assessments. RM Compare contributes to this by allowing for the assessment of complex constructs that are difficult to measure with traditional methods, capturing nuanced aspects of learning through holistic comparison.
Diverse Assessment Methods
The study calls for more diverse and flexible assessment methods. RM Compare's versatility allows it to handle various types of student work, supporting the implementation of varied assessment strategies that cater to different learning styles and contexts.
Data-Driven Improvement
The researchers emphasize the need for ongoing evaluation and enhancement of assessment validity. RM Compare generates rich data on student performance and assessor judgements, which can be used to continuously refine and improve assessment practices.
Moving Forward
As Dawson and colleagues argue, "The future of digital assessment lies not in ever more invasive forms of surveillance, but in assessment design that promotes learning while being resistant to cheating". At RM Compare, we're committed to supporting this vision.
By aligning our ACJ system with the principles outlined in this groundbreaking research, we're working to create assessment practices that are not only secure but also meaningful, fair, and conducive to genuine learning. As we navigate this transition, RM Compare stands ready to support educators and institutions in implementing assessment strategies that truly serve educational goals in the digital age.
In embracing this paradigm shift, we have the opportunity to reshape digital assessment for the better, ensuring it aligns with the broader aims of education and supports student learning in meaningful ways.
Dawson, P., Sutherland-Smith, W., & Ricksen, M. (2024). From academic integrity to assessment validity: a paradigm shift in digital assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education