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Introducing RM Compare Accelerators

You can get a lot done with RM Compare. Our Accelerators give you even more power and capability.
RM Compare Accelerators offer advanced functionality to the core RM Compare system. We develop them in direct response to the feedback we receive. Each service is designed to provide partners with the functionality they need to bring valuable, innovative solutions to their users and customers.
Take a look at the feature list to see how to get access to this functionality, and to see what's coming next.
What Accelerators are available now?
Contributing Judge Accelerator. Allowing Judges to upload their own Items can facilitate several different, innovative session designs. We have seen, for example, this Accelerator being used to create sessions where Peer Learning is a key goal.

Multi-Cohort Accelerator: The multi-cohort Accelerator allows for the creation of Parent-Child relationship between establishments to facilitate large scale sessions

Simplified Pairs Accelerator: The Simplified Pairs method can be used to calibrate the scores (that is, the marks) from two assessments on the same scale.

Manual On-Demand Accelerator: The concept behind the Manual On-Demand Accelerator is a simple - let's turn ranks into rulers to allow the comparative process to take place at anytime.

Data Extraction Accelerator: Create your own Advanced Reporting with the Data-Extraction Accelerator. Get easy access to all of the rich data generated by your sessions to complete even deeper analysis and reporting.

Mobile Competition Accelerator: With 'Top of the Class' you can run exciting comparative judgement competitions on mobile

What next?
We are committed to bringing more accelerators to the RM Compare system giving our users the power they need to get even more done. Get in touch if you have a suggestion.