- Product
RM Compare for Mobile. How do you compare to the rest of the world?

We all love ranking things
The team at RM have developed Top of the Class as a fun way to rank everyday things - and demonstrate the same comparison process that makes RM Compare so powerful.

- Uncover your own hidden preferences through a simple comparative process
- Contribute to the wisdom of the crowd - your efforts are added to everyone else's
- Compare your personal rank order with the global one.
- Check back to see how the global rank changes in real time as more people participate
Join from your mobile at top.compare.rm.com or use the QR code above
Live sessions to try right now!
What are the top skills students need to succeed?
What are the top proficiencies students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning?
It's free! No tie in, upsell or any of that nonsense.

What's the best homework excuse ever?
Most of these you have heard before - but what's the best (and worst!)?
Get going right away direct from your mobile device.

What do people wish they had learnt at school?
Time to revisit all of those lessons you slept through!
Simple sign up to get started immediately.

What's the worlds' favourite subject?
So you liked History and hated Phys Ed. But what about everyone else?
Simple, fun, engaging.

I like it! How can I find out more?
You can find out a bit more about Top of the Class and why we are developing it here. If you would like to know more, including how you can build you own Top of the Class session, please get in touch.