Welcoming the UK Government's Curriculum and Assessment Review

The UK government has taken a significant step towards modernising education with the launch of its comprehensive Curriculum and Assessment Review. This wide-ranging review, announced today, aims to create a broader, richer, and more cutting-edge curriculum that will drive high standards and better prepare young people for life and work.

A Vision for the Future of Education

Led by Professor Becky Francis CBE, a renowned expert in education policy, the review will span from Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 5. Its primary objectives include:

  • Delivering excellent foundations in core subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics
  • Ensuring a broader curriculum that encompasses creative, digital, and life skills
  • Addressing key challenges to attainment, particularly for disadvantaged students and those with special educational needs
  • Examining the current assessment system to improve its effectiveness for both students and staff

The Role of Innovative Assessment

As assessment specialists, at RM we are particularly excited about the potential for innovative assessment approaches to support these ambitious goals. Traditional assessment methods can struggle to capture the full range of student abilities and the breadth of a modern curriculum. This is where cutting-edge assessment techniques, including the use of digital technology, can play a crucial role.

An opportunity for Comparative Judgement

We are interested to see what considerations might be given to taking a comparative approach to some elements of assessment. As we have written about (many times!) before it can offer some unique benefits to the 'assessment mix'.

  • Holistic Evaluation: Allows for a more comprehensive assessment of student work, capturing skills like creativity and critical thinking that are often difficult to measure with traditional methods.
  • Flexibility: This approach can be adapted to various subjects and types of student expression, aligning well with the review's goal of a broader, more inclusive curriculum.
  • Reduced Bias: By focusing on comparative judgments rather than absolute scores, it can help minimize biases that often affect traditional assessments.

Looking Ahead

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has emphasized that this review is a crucial step in the government's mission to break down barriers to opportunity and deliver better life chances for young people. By embracing innovative assessment methods, we can ensure that this new curriculum truly serves its purpose of preparing students for the future.

As the review progresses, with recommendations expected in 2025, we look forward to contributing our expertise in innovative assessment. Together, we can create an education system that not only maintains high standards but also nurtures the diverse talents and abilities of all students.

The launch of this review marks an exciting time in UK education. It's an opportunity to reimagine how we assess and develop young talent, ensuring that our education system is fit for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
