It’s always inspiring to spend time with educators, students, policymakers, ministers and fellow EdTech colleagues. If you’d like to find out more about RM Compare and be a part of this conversation, come and talk to us
Calendar of Events
29 - 31 March, London, UK
Case study presentation
28 April, London, UK
Voice 21 Conference: Unheard Voices
RM Compare oracy demo
6 - 7 June, London, UK
International E Assessment Association Conference
Awards Finalist
7 June, Charterhouse School, UK
ISEB Digital Education Conference
Creative Digital Assessment
16 - 17 June, Melbourne, AUS
National Education Summit
Research presentation
29 June, Online
RM Webinar
Product demo
6 - 7 July, Wellington College, UK
13th Annual Education Summit
Research presentation
9 September, London, UK
Research Ed National Conference
Research presentation
26 September, Liverpool, UK
Ind. Assoc. of Prep Schs. Conference
10 October, Manchester, UK
Great Oracy Exhibition
1 - 4 November, Malta
AEA Europe Conference
Research presentation
30 Nov & 1 Dec, UK
Federation of Awarding Bodies
RM Assessment present
23 - 25 March, London, UK
RM exhibiting
19 May, Warwick, UK
Federation of Awarding Bodies annual conference
RM exhibiting
18 June, Dusseldorf, Germany
ResearchEd Germany
Research focus
21 - 22 June, London, UK
E Assessment Association annual conference
RM exhibiting
21 - 24 June , Canada
PATT Conference
Research focus
30 June, Online
Eva Hartell (Peer Assessment AEA Europe) Webinar
Research focus
1 July, Birmingham, UK
Great Oracy Exhibition
Research focus
7 - 8 July, Wellington Coll, UK
Festival of Education
Research focus
22 - 25 August, Australia
ACER Research Conference
Research Focus
3 Sept, London, UK
Research focus
24 September, Dublin, Ireland
ResearchEd Ireland
Research focus
2 - 7 October, Mexico City, Mexico
IAEA Annual Conference
RM exhibiting
11 - 13 October, London, UK
The E-ATP Conference
RM exhibiting
3 - 4 November, Glasgow, UK
Association of Directors of Education Scotland Conference
RM presenting
9 - 12 November, Dublin, Ireland
AEA (Europe) Conference
Research focus