RM Compare Newsletter - April 2023

The in-person events calendar is starting to get going here in the UK. This week is the BETT show, still one of the biggest Edtech events in the world which I am looking forward to attending.

Yesterday I was able to attend the annual DEFI conference at Cambridge University which this year focused on something of particular interest to our RM Compare efforts: Exploring Creativity and AI. Some of our previous blog posts on this topic include

The speakers at the sold out event were excellent and so was the conversation in the breaks. With so much furore around AI right now it was so heartening to take part in more balanced, thought provoking and considered discussions. We need much more of this, especially in education, right now. Perhaps the key take-away was how AI challenges us to think much more about what makes us human. Until recently for example the assumption was that creativity itself was a uniquely human characteristic - but is it? And if it isn't, then what?

In case you missed it

Posts from the past month

Product Focus

Work on RM Compare never stops. Our intention is always to satisfy users through the early and continuous delivery of valuable software. You will see new features and functionality appear regularly and it's always worth spending time in the Product Portal and the Blog area to keep up with the latest developments. We always love to get your feedback on our efforts - good or bad! We also rely on your suggestions for further work.

Some recent product improvements include