RM Compare Newsletter February 2024

An improved user experience

In the next few weeks, you will see some changes to the RM Compare experience. Thanks to the brilliant feedback from our users, we have been able to make a bunch of improvements with a particular focus on the overall flow around the system. The current experience is very much a response to each new piece of functionality we have added. We have recognised for a while that things have been a bit disjointed and not always as helpful as it could be.

Right now, we are working hard to apply the final changes and complete internal testing - it will then be over to you! We can't wait to see what you think.

On the road

We will be attending a few conferences and events over the coming months. There will more announcements soon but right now you can catch us here

In the news

Our partners at Voice 21 recently released their annual impact report. There were some key findings with regard to assessment.

"We used comparative judgment to assess the oracy skills of 463 Year 5 students in 55 Voice 21 Oracy Schools across England and Wales, generating an average school oracy score. We found that this average score improves by 50% when we compare first and fourth-year Voice 21 Oracy Schools."

You can read more about this exciting piece of research in this Schoolsweek article.

More detailed findings from this project will be presented at the Voice 21 Speaking Summit and the Edge Foundation Re-Imagining Assessment Conference (see above).

Research Focus

We continue to support a number of research projects with world leading organisations. Ongoing work is being undertaken at Purdue University, Brigham Young University, University of Bergen, University of Southampton and the University of Liege. We are hoping to be able to share some of the findings in the next few months. Please get in touch is you are interested in conducting research with us.

In case you missed it

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