- Research
Exploring the relationship between value and original content

This interesting and novel piece of research brought together two new, innovative products to explore the relationship between content originality and value. In an AI world there is a new focus on the true value of human-generated content. This is something we have written about and explored a number of times on this blog.
RM Compare allows us to think more cleary about what it is we value, and how we might encourage and reward these qualities with new approaches to pedagogy, curriculum and assessment.
RM Compare should allow us to think more carefully about how we might 'measure what we treasure'. A key aspect we believe will be to encourage 'original', human-generated content. This is an area of particular interest to the RM Echo Team.
Time to write
'Time to Write' is an innovative, annual competition run by the Independent Schools Examination board. You can read more about the 2024 competition in this Case Study.
In 2025, the ISEB received over 3000 entries from around the world and gain used RM Compare to complete the judging process. On this occasion however we also ran some testing through RM Echo to take a look at the originality of the submissions.
Our research is in its early stages, hoever you can view some intial findings and learn more about the project in the video below.
What next?
As you will see from the video we are still in the early stages of our analysis. We hope to report back more fully as we learn more. Get in touch if you would like any further information about this project, RM Compare or RM Echo.