Pairing with RM Echo
Cutting through the noise to identify valuable original content
In 2025 we'll be releasing our latest product, RM Echo.
RM Echo helps authors and reviewers of written content who want to ensure its originality and proper attribution. It does this by comparing and analysing content and making it really obvious where and how it is similar. And we give complete control of the content curation and checking to you.
Through extensive collaboration with users, we're refining the application of data science techniques such as natural language processing to accurately analyse their content. We've developed a novel way of deconstructing large volumes of content such as essays and responses to digital summative assessments, making it easier and quicker to spot similarities.

There are so many applications of RM Echo. Here are some that we hear about most often:
- Looking for cases of potential academic malpractice
- Understanding whether content is sufficiently original before it is published
- Seeing how accurately students have quoted a set-text
- Determining how accurately a known piece of text has been translated from one language to another
RM Echo is an integral part of a much wider 'content landscape'. If there is any doubt as to the originality of the content, then the value of that content is seriously diminished.
As we enter the second half of the 2020's, and with an ever-increasing use of AI creating ever-more recycled and regurgitated content, originality has never been more important!