Improving student outcomes by Learning through Evaluation

The concept of Learning by Evaluation is a simple one - improve tacit knowledge and understanding before embarking on set work by giving students the opportunity to compare work from a previous set of students who had taken the same course.

A study of 550 students using this technique achieved significantly better outcomes for all students who took part against those who didn't. The intervention was short and only took place one adding to it's compelling potential.

The study

A full case study of the research led by Professor Scott Bartholomew at Purdue University can be viewed here. In summary, 550 students were split into 2 groups - one had the Learning by Evaluation intervention, the other didn't. The intervention was for a short period of time and was only conducted one for each student.

Check out the video below for a complete overview.

The results

The students that had the one, simple Learning by Evaluation intervention opportunity performed significantly better than those that didn't. This was true for all student groups including those in different ability sets.

Try it yourself

The simplicity of this approach allows it to be replicated easily. Functionality in RM Compare, for example the Contributing Judge Accelerator, even allows students to upload their own work into the system. In addition, powerful feedback options can deliver even more learning opportunities.