Contributing Judge Accelerator

Allow Judges to upload their own items into your session.

Allowing Judges to upload their own Items can facilitate several different, innovative session designs. We have seen, for example, this Accelerator being used to create sessions where Peer Learning is a key goal.

Click on the image below to watch the short demonstration video.

RM Compare Questions Ticker

Admin functionality

Turning on the 'Allow Judges to Upload Items' toggle presents a number of different session design options.

In the Items sections you can restrict Item types and set an upload window.

In the Judge section you will able to allow judges to view results (see below)

The Judge Experience

Visit the Judge Corner to see the contributing experience from the Judge perspective.

The images below who the reporting available to Contributing Judges if permissioned.

The rank will show all items but will only identify the Item submitted by the Contributing Judge. This data is presented in real time as the session is progressing.

The Contributing Judge will receive all feedback pertaining to their Item (if permissioned). This data is presented in real time as the session is progressing.

Test your knowledge

Five quick questions to test your knowledge and understanding

Contributing Judges Accelerator Quiz

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