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If you've received an email invitation to be a judge, sign up or log in using the same email address it was sent to. Visit the Judging page for more FAQs.
If you've been asked to join an organisation, you should have received a license code from your organisation's admin. Enter this when signing up to complete your registration.
If you already have an RM Compare account (for example if you have been a judge or have used the Free Trial) this will be upgraded when you apply the licence code. If you have any problems, get in touch.
If you are setting up your team with RM Compare, view ordering and account management to get started. If you have any questions, get in touch.
View Connectors to get started.
There are a number of reasons why emails may not be visible. Perhaps they are landing in your spam folder or your email administrator has un-intentionally blocked them.
If you are expecting an invitation and it has not arrived all you need to do is use the 'Sign-Up' button at the top of the RM Compare home page. Make sure you enter the same email where you expected to see the invitation appear. This process will take you into the system wher you will see all activity that should have generated email notifications.
There are number of reasons why emails may not be appearing. It might be that they are landing in your spam folder or perhaps your administrator has unintentionally blocked them.
If you log into RM Compare will see all activity that has generated an email notification.
An RM Compare Centre Subscription Licence provides system features and functionality to a defined group of users (For example a School).
You will find a 'Forgot your password?' link on the login page. This is accessible from the Login button at the top of the RM Compare home page.
This process will generate an email notification. If you do not receive this notification you can access the system by simply signing up again using the same email. The Sign Up button can be found at the top of the home page.
You can also use the 'Sign in without a password' function