License Centre and Connectors (Demo)

Creating new Multi-Cohort sessions with License Centre and Connector Functionality

We have described the principles behind both License Centres and Connectors in earlier posts

Key understandings

Current Licensing arrangements (December 2024) present several limitations. We will be moving to a new model based on the concepts of License Centres and Connectors.

There are several benefits to this new arrangement. For example, the combination of License Centres and Connectors gives Enterprise Session Admins unprecedented control and flexibility to build Mutli-Cohort Sessions more efficiently than has been the case to date.

Making a Connection

Enterprise License holders have access to a unique Connector Code. They can share this with any other License Centre to form a Parent-Child relationship. This is a simple 'one-and-done' process:

Running a Multi-Cohort Session with Connectors in place

For this example, we will be using four centres described in the diagram above, namely LC11 (A School Group HQ with an Enterprise License) and LC1, LC2, LC3 (All schools with a Basic License)

  1. LC11 has connectors in place with LC1, LC2, LC3. It wants to create, populate, run and report on a Multi-Cohort Session involving LC1 and LC2 only.
  2. In RM Compare LC11 creates a Base Session Template and selects LC1 and LC2 to participate from the list of available connected centres. When ready LC11 publishes the Base Session Template
  3. LC1 and LC2 are now able to create sessions (as many as they want, for example 1 for each class) using the Base Session Template in RM Compare. They are asked to add Items and Judges, and complete Quality Assurance, before handing in.
  4. LC11 can monior the submission as they arrive. Once all is in order LC11 can merge the submitted Base Session Templates, bringing together all of the Items and Judges into a new Merged Session.
  5. In the new Merged Session LC11 can add from a range of available features and functionality including
    1. Add a Holistic Statement
    2. Manually set the number of rounds
    3. Select Feedback requirement.
  6. When ready LC11 can run the Merged Session.

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