
RM Compare can be effectively used in summative assessment contexts

There is a lot you can do with RM Compare in summative assessment contexts.

RM Compare Questions Ticker

Efficient ranking and grading

RM Compare significantly reduces the time required for grading assignments, especially for large cohorts. For example, a study showed that grading posters took around 3 hours using a rubric but only 30 minutes using the Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ) method.

Reliable ranking

The ACJ algorithm produces a statistically sound ranking of student work from strongest to weakest, without the need for detailed marking criteria. This can be particularly useful for summative assessments where a clear hierarchy of performance is required.


The system helps establish consistent standards across different assessors and even across multiple schools or institutions. This is crucial for summative assessments where fairness and consistency are paramount.

Holistic evaluation

RM Compare uses holistic statements to guide assessment, which is particularly useful for creative, open-ended subjects like English, music, and art. This approach can capture nuances in student performance that might be missed by traditional rubric-based marking.

Reduced bias

The comparative judgement approach can help reduce assessment bias associated with traditional marking methods. This is especially important in high-stakes summative assessments.


RM Compare can be used effectively for both small and large cohorts, making it suitable for various summative assessment scenarios

Correlation with traditional methods

Research has shown that "there is a broad correlation between ACJ rank orders and rubric-based grades". This suggests that RM Compare can be a valid alternative or complement to traditional grading methods in summative contexts.

Potential for 'when-ready' assessment

RM Compare On-Demand has the potential to enable truly on-demand summative assessments, allowing students to be assessed when they are ready rather than at fixed points in time