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Achieve faster, more predictable, scalable recruitment by taking a comparative approach.
There's a lot you can do with RM Compare - we are here to help. Get in touch at anytime.
Improving the recruitment process - an internal Case Study
We have written about the importance of 'eating our own dogfood' on several occasions.
At RM we have been using RM Compare as part of our recruitment process to prioritise applications. In a recent example a team of 4 judges prioritised nearly 100 applications by comparing them against a simple holistic statement. Our internal review demonstrated severy benefits
- Faster: The whole process took a little over 30 minutes. At the end the team had produced a relibale rank with the top 10% clearly identifiable.
- Fair: With each application being seen multiple time by multiple Judges the team were confident that issues of unconsious bias were minimised.
- Higher output and throughput: The system allowed the Team to accomodate a large number of Items in one sitting.
- Collaboration: The team enjoyed working together on the shared endeavour.
- Tacit knowledge: Team members felt that they had a much better understanding of 'what good looks like' at the end of the process and were more confident in their ability to make fufure assessment away from the system.
- Engaging: Team members enjoyed the experience.
Graduate recruitment in the Financial Services industry
In our published Case Study you can see how City of London training provider Amplify Trading used RM Compare to enable finance candidates to be assessed through real-word simulation.
To produce an authentic, innovative talent identification solution, Amplify Trading partnered with us to use RM Compare in a peer assessment format to assess candidates’ ability to present complex conclusions in actionable ways.