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Higher and Further Education
High profile Universities around the world use RM Compare to deliver student impact
The short video below presents a student's perspective on using RM Compare. You might also like to read a detailed piece of research from Liverpool University which looked at the impact of Adaptive Comparative Judgement in peer assessment, 'feed-forward' and grading contexts.

Learn more about using RM Compare in Higher and Further Education
Learning by Evaluating with RM Compare
Learning by Evaluating is a simple, but powerful, use of RM Compare. It promotes the use of the system as a tool to encourage tacit knowledge (sometimes known as WaGoLL - 'what a good one looks like) amongst students before they begin a task. Research has shown how this simple intervention can deliver hugely impactful results. You can read the case study here from our research partners at Purdue University.
There is also a short video below featuring the research lead Professor Scott Bartholomew.
Peer Feedback with RM Compare
A compelling use case enjoyed by many of our HE and FE partners centres around the use of peer feedback. Hard pressed faculties with ever increasing student rolls and diminishing time are finding that they can provide the high quality feedback demanded by their students by creating simple peer assessment sessions.
The contributing judges option allows students to submit their own items into the system dramatically reducing workload. This even allows studnets to receive instant results as the session progresses.
The student experience means that as well as getting large volumes of feedback fromm their peers they are also able to benefit from proven Learning by Evaluating (see above) impact which is proven to raise studnet achievement.
Inclusive admissions with RM Compare
RM Compare offers a unique solution to the challenge of HE and FE admissions. The holistic approach allows students to submit more authentic applications that better illustrate their skills, competencies, knowledge, and talent. Liberated from traditional application processes, RM Compare ensures that institutions can recruit in a faster, fairer, more transparent, and inclusive way.
With RM Compare the only limit is your imagination
How can we give regular, high-quality feedback to our students?
How can we help our students to better understand what good quality work looks like?