- Product
Bespoke System Accelerators
Sometimes you just need a little 'hands-on' support to get your session into the right shape. We're here to help.
The RM Compare system aims to give you everything you need to succeed. Occasionally you may find some gaps that we can help you with.
Item replace
Once a session is running Items cannot be removed or added - to do so would disrupt all algorithmic learnings. We can however replace artefacts.
For example, in a running session of 20 Items we may find that Item number 6 contains an incomplete artefact. We can remove the incomplete artefact and replace it with a new one.
Judging re-allocation
In this scenario some of your judges have been rather tardy and have not completed their allocation of judgements. This service can re-allocate the incomplete judgements to other judges in the session are a bit more reliable and enthusiastic!
Session Multi-Admin
At present an RM Compare session can only have one Admin. There may be occasions however where you need more than one Admin in a session - this service can allow this to happen.
Re-name Items
In most RM Compare sessions it is not possible to re-name items - the exception is if you are use the bulk creation method. In these cases the solution is to remove a misnamed item and then re-upload with the corrected name. Where a re-uplod option is not possible, we can provide a service to make the changes necessary.
Other services
We are always here to help. Occasionally you may find that the system functionality doesn't quite meet your requirements. Where this is the case please get in touch.
Check the features and functionality table to see where Service Accelerators are available.